Dear friends,
Let's get in touch! The best way to reach me, because I travel so much,
is by email and through social media:
Twitter: @noimpactgirl
Facebook: No Impact Girl
See you out there in the wide, green world,
Louise Southerden
(aka No Impact Girl)
Hi Louise, We recently saw your comments in the paper re wanting to purchase a portable water filter to take travelling with you, and we thought you might be interested in our Propur "scout"
Barefoot Healing 1300 327 844
Hi Barefoot Healing, thanks so much for getting in touch - and for the suggestion! I couldn't get that link to work but visited your website and saw the Propur Slimline Scout, is that the one? Looks a little bulkier than what I had in mind. I need to do some research, so thanks for inspiring me!