Thursday, 31 March 2011

Week One, day one

8.30pm, Saturday 26 March: Earth Hour. It begins.
It seemed as good a time as any to start this one-month No Impact Project. Craig and I walked in the rain down to Manly Cove and joined about 10 other sustainable living people listening to councilor Hugh Burns and Tully, the man with the soggy but tuneful guitar. And watched … almost no change in the number of lights on in the Manly area. It would have been more inspiring to go to the Harbour Bridge and see the city change, as it apparently did, but hey, at least we didn’t use any resources to get down to Manly. And actually it was really nice to connect with some of the people who run the Manly Council “Green Up Your Life” program. They do so much good stuff there: docos, workshops, tours of Kimbriki tip…

Treated ourselves, for making a start, with a hot chocolate (well, it was late and it was raining), at Max Brenner, Chocolate by the Bald Man. Asked the guy behind the counter if they have any Fair Trade chocolate – see, we were thinking as well as indulging – but he looked at us as if we’d spoken to him in a language other than Earthling.

Then we walked home in the rain, happy to not have used any electricity entertaining ourselves on a Saturday night in Manly (except, ok, the lights and stoves at Max Brenner. Gee, this is harder than I thought…)

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